

杜鹏飞从事无人机任务规划和智能资源管控技术的研究,参与了十三五国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目的研究,以及主持了教育部产学合作协同育人项目和“智能空地融合载具及管控”教育部工程研究中心的开放基金的研究工作。发表高水平学术论文十余篇(其中SCI收录8篇,中科院二区SCI6篇,四区2篇),已授权国家发明专利3项。担任IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Sensors Journal、IEEE Communications Letters和北京邮电大学学报等国内外通信期刊的审稿工作。


2021.1~至今 工作于金沙总站6165登录入口; 2018.12~2020.12 工作于四川大学电气信息学院; 2017.7~2018.11 工作于中国电子科技集团公司第十研究所航天事业部。


2011.9~2017.6 西安电子科技大学通信工程学院 通信与信息系统专业 硕博连读; 2007.9~2011.7 重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院 通信工程专业 本科。





  1. 1. Pengfei Du, Bin Li, Qi Zeng, Daosen Zhai, Di Zhou, Li Ran. “Distributionally robust two-stage energymanagement for hybrid energy powered cellular networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 12162-12174, Oct. 2020.(中科院SCI二区, IF=5.379

  2. 2. Qi Zeng, Xing Liu and Pengfei Du, “Multi-Level sequence-based frequency-hopping in multi-cell networks,”  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 16282-16287, Dec. 2020.(中科院SCI二区, IF=5.379

  3. 3. Pengfei Du, Li Ran, Daosen Zhai, Ruiling Ren, Qi Zeng. “ADMM-based distributed online algorithm for energy management in hybrid energy powered cellular networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 83343-83353, 2019.(中科院SCI二区, IF=3.745

  4. 4. Shulei Li, Daosen Zhai, Pengfei Du, Ting Han, “Energy-efficient task offloading, load balancing, and resource allocation in mobile edge computing enabled IoT networks,” Science China-Information on Sciences, vol. 62, no. 2, Feb. 2017.(中科院SCI二区, IF=3.304

  5. 5. Pengfei Du, Qinghai Yang, Zhong Shen, and Kyung Sup Kwak, “Distortion minimization in wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting,” IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1393-1396, June 2017.(中科院SCI, IF=3.419

  6. 6. Pengfei Du, Qinghai Yang, Zhong Shen, and Kyung Sup Kwak, “Quality of information maximization in lifetime-constrained wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Sensors Journal,vol. 16, no. 19, pp. 7278 - 7286, Oct. 2016.(中科院SCI, IF=3.073

  7. 7. Pengfei Du, Qinghai Yang, Qingsu He, and Kyung Sup Kwak, “Energy-aware quality of information maximization for wireless sensor networks,” IET Communications, vol. 10, no. 17, pp.  2281-2289, Nov. 2016.(中科院SCI四区, IF=1.664

  8. 8. Pengfei Du, Qinghai Yang, Qingsu He, and Kyung Sup Kwak, Joint base stations clustering and feedback bits allocation for multi-cell coordinated beamforming systems,” IET Communications, vol. 11, no. 16, pp.  2458 – 2465, Dec. 2017.(中科院SCI四区, IF=1.664

  9. 9. Qi Zeng, Kai Zhou, Xing Zhang, and Pengfei Du, “A high-accuracy spatial localization methodology for partial discharge by UHF-signal sensor-arrays,” 2019 IEEE International Conference on SmartGridComm, Beijing, China, 2019, pp. 1-5.EI

  10. 10.刘菲,杜鹏飞,杨清海,自主无线网络中信道质量的评估北京邮电大学学报2015,38:33-36。(EI

  11. 11.杜鹏飞,孙杰,漆亚全,认知星地一体化网络中能效最大化鲁棒功率控制方法,电讯技术, 2019, 059(4):383-388。(核心

  12. 12.石彬, 王娜, 杜鹏飞基于多维频谱地图的干扰规避”,电讯技术, 2019, 059(4):415-418。(核心

  13. 13.冉立,杜鹏飞,肖勇,李长松,杨昌荣,新时代背景下电气类实践教学的思考与实践昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)20198月。(核心

  14. 14.杜鹏飞;刘星;曾琦;冉立;任瑞玲,基于两阶段的能量和业务时空匹配的鲁棒能量调度方法,2020.6.16,中国,ZL202010174503.6。(国家发明专利

  15. 15.曾琦;舒勤;杜鹏飞;刘星,资源受限下的信号处理方法、装置及终端设备,2020.6.12。(国家发明专利

  16. 16.杜鹏飞;刘星;曾琦,无线充电的无人机模型及其优化方法、系统和计算机介质,2020.8.13。(国家发明专利




